Saturday, November 26, 2005

Shag Rugs and Sleepy Kids

We had a really great Thanksgiving. We were able to go to Nana and Pop-Pop Leonard for the traditional Thanksgiving Dinner. We spent the day with Arlene and Lela who both brought yummy dishes and the best darn Orange Rolls this here side of the state. Cole was excited to see Pop-Pop (as he calls Dan Leonard now) and his Nana. He was even more excited to play with Nana's collection of toys. He played himself into a nice long sleep on the car ride home and carried up the stairs to his room where he continued to sleep. Ella was a very good baby and when her witching hour came, 6 P.M. , we were out the door headed for home. Ella has not calmed down yet and loves to scream at us for hours on end. Usually starting at 6 P.M. till about 1 A.M. Chad and I are so sleep deprived we just are running on fumes. I hear this usually ends around the third month. Well three more weeks to go. (sigh) Ella had her 2 month check up and we discussed her Colic. We are trying gas drops, not really working still screaming. We are supossed to give the gas drops a week then try acid reflux medicine. We are just trying Camomille tea from the advice of all the "old wives" from where I work. (I work at the Mecca for "Old Wives") I drink the tea and she gets it in her milk through me. So far this evening she is calm. We are able to soothe her. It is 9 P.M. and she is not screaming. Ella now weighs 13 pounds and 13 ounces, and is 23.5 inches long. She is 94 % for weight and 85% for length. Well I am going to take this quite moment to sit and enjoy a cup of tea and hope this tea thing is working on our dear sweet little screamer.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

We jumped straight to the reflux medicine, and it made a world of difference. Mylanta Supremem (no aluminum or whatever it is they aren't supposed to have, about a quarter teaspoon) and Axid, a prescription form of Zantac. What our ped. said was that if the Mylanta helped, then to start with the Axid. Awyn outgrew it around 4 months, maybe a little later. If it's reflux, it can take up to a year for them to outgrow it.