Sunday, November 20, 2005


We finally figured out why our little girl has been screaming non stop for hours this past week and why she has been refusing to sleep. She is teething! She is barely 2 months old. We tried teething tabs and AMEN! She smacked her lips and fell asleep the first time we tried the tabs. It was amazing.
I returned back to work and so far things have been going smooth. Cole told me he would be sad that I had to go to work but when I say bye bye to him he just brushes me off and runs to do what ever he is into at the moment. Ella adjusted well. We introduced bottles early so the feeding part has not been a problem just the lack of sleep and the crying.
Cole's vocabulary is still growing. He is quite the parrot mimicking words and you have to be super careful what you say around him. This is the fun time. Ella is Cooing and at long last smiling. Cole and Ella are almost the complete opposite as Babies. Cole was as independent as he is today. We had to buy a front Carrier because she refuses to be set down and left for more than 15 mins.

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