Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Jump! Jump!

Had to share this. Our escape artist dog ran out the door as all three of us were leaving and after Daddy yells "Sven come inside" Cole says nice and matter of fact like " I go get him" my jaw just dropped as Cole and Daddy are chasing after Sven down the block. On there journey back Cole and Daddy play their favorite Game of Go GO GO Stop also known as red light green light with a few jumping obstacles involved. This is a great shot of the clearance Cole has gotten.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Well the countdown has begun. Only 22 more days till my scheduled C-section date of Sept 21. I am getting ready and very willing for our little girl to make her appearance. Cole has made leaps and bounds with his attitude somedays he is independent and others just plain clingy. He seems to know the difference of a Mommy day off and a Daddy day off. I was on my way to work and Cole was eating his lunch I said "Bye Bye give me a kiss" and he shys away and just says Bye Bye, and waves as he continues to watch the Incredibles. He knows how to put DVD's in and start them. It is insane. Well we are off for a day on the town possible Riverfront Park, maybe a carousel ride.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Money! Money! Money!

Oh my gosh what a morning. Cole got up at 7 am and had a very interesting day so far. I thought I would introduce him to his piggy bank and work on counting his pennies. He saw the piles of coins and shouted Money! Money! Money! I was shocked. Where did he learn Money? Then we were getting ready for our play group and getting dressed and I was changing is clothes and diaper which he took off somewhere and left his shorts on. His shorts were not wet. I am wondering how long this diaper has been off. I asked him if he wanted to continue to wear big boy underwear and not diapers and he said with a firm NO! Well I thought we were closer to potty training. Maybe we are. The new pictures are from cole's first dentist appointment last Friday. He was awesome, His teeth look good and then they sealed them and we will be back in 6 months. He is now on the fluoride tablets. He doesn't seem to mind those so much not like those nasty drops. We are off to a park playdate with the Mommy group I belong to.

Open Wide!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Rock Lake

Recently Cole and I met up with Grandpa at Rock Lake for a annual Canoe ride. Cole was able to explore the bank side throwing rocks and giving Mom a heart attack trying to float down current. Sorry no pictures of that I was busy trying to grab the strappy think on his Life Vest or Personal flotation Device. During the Canoe ride Cole tried a few times to capsize us by standing and leaning over the side. No pictures on the boat I was in front with the camera and Grandpa was in back Cameraless. After countless times of scolding Cole to Sit in the Canoe he started to listen. He tried to row with his ore and showed off his animal sounds to grandpa when we played name that animal. His new one to date is a cucaburro (Australian bird) this knowledge is due to today's Wiggles episode. At the end of the ride we sat at the cars and enjoyed beverages and carrots. Cole was super tired so Grandpa read him a story, said his goodbyes, and we were off. He slept on the ride home

Picking out rocks

Throwing rocks

Cold Water

Mom tie this!

Storytime with Grandpa

Friday, August 12, 2005

Yummy Pizza!

Cole and Daddy made a pizza together for dinner tonight. Cole thought that every ingredient should be tasted. He thought we needed extra cheese on the Pizza and dumped the rest of the bag on the Pizza. He is also real careful to place the pepperoni in it's exact position making sure to put some in his mouth.
For the last three nights Chad and I have been battling Cole to stay in his bed. He has officially moved to his toddler bed. He gets up about 15 to 20 times a night and is so cranky the next day you just want to abandon him at the mall. Not really but being 34 weeks along and sleep deprived is not helping my mood. He has refused to nap in his bed also. Last night we received some much deserved sleep. Cole stayed in his bed only to get up once and took my stern warning seriously and stayed in bed till morning. His new awake time averages 6:30 AM. Oh so different from the sweet, sweet 8:30AM we had when he actually enjoyed his sleep.
Cole is now 35 1/4 inches tall and weighs 31 pounds. I can't believe how tall he is. He wears a size 8 shoe and keeps us on the look out for new ones to fast for my taste.
Our little girl keeps moving and rolling around in her Swimming pool making my tummy look like special effects from the latest Alien Film. With the much needed sleep last night and the weather finally cooling off I am feeling a lot better. Now all I have to do is keep cleaning and try not give in to that comfy couch that seems to be calling my name.
Oh I give up! Here I come Couch!

First the sauce

Yummy Sauce!

Then some cheese

Yummy Cheese!

Cheese is good


Put the Pepperoni HERE

And more Pepperoni Here, Yummy!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

It's been so long!

Well we are getting closer to her due date. I finally have an appointment next week with the surgeon who will be performing my C- Section. This little girl moves and shakes like crazy compared to Cole. We had another Ultrasound, My doctor is a little bit cautious and since "She" is a 2 blood vessel umbilical cord she likes to keep tabs on her progress. She is gaining weight just fine and we got some great 3-D ultrasound photos. You can see her chubby cheeks and pouty lips. Cole, Chad and I have been crazy busy with all the different doctor's appointments, play groups, and trying to get the house in order before our little girl makes her appearance. Cole makes it hard to clean once you gather and place Cole is there moving and resorting for you. Chad is pretty impressed that I can still bend over and pick up toys, books and the like. Cole will have his first dental appointment in a couple weeks. Am I weird because I want to take pictures? Well I do not care how nerdy I look I am bringing my Camera. I will share pictures of course! We will have more pictures soon.

Squishy Face