Wednesday, August 30, 2006

We Made it!

We spent a night and a Day in Yellowstone on a whirlwind guided tour of the park by a local Expert. Now he goes by the name of Pop Pop. We had a blast and all the information he spouted out as the geyser of knowledge. It is still swimming around in my brain. Yellowstone pretty much is our backyard. We plan to return for day hikes and some overnights.

I got a Pony Tail!

Arlene and the Canyon at Artist Point

I Aim to Misbehave

Lower falls --- Artist's Point


Lower falls Again

Sitting not so Pretty

too tired can't go on!

Ospray Nest

Zoom of the Ospray Nest

Is that a Bunny or a Bear?

Hi Mama!

Inside the NEW Canyon Visitors Center

Ranger Girl

inside the NEW Canyon visitors center

The Littlest Ranger

Daddy and Ella Saying Hi!

Walking with my Nana

Wave Hi to the Camera


Nana's Shopping Buddy

Kissy face with Nana

Pop Pop with Ella

What are we looking at?

Everybody looking at something. See Cole's Monkey backpack. When his daddy was little he had to wear a Harness also so he would not get all burned or jump of a cliff.

My two Nana's

Cole and his two Nana's. Cole called Arlene his nana. Before this picture he said. Sit here NANA and you too Nana.

Monday, August 21, 2006

I am Eleven months old!

Ella is eleven months old!!!! She is standing and enjoys looking all cute. Cole enjoys playing in the sprinklers. This week has been busy with work, cleaning, and just having fun outside. We are enjoying our surroundings.
We will be heading down to yellowstone this weekend and look forward to all the outdoor adventures. Most of all cole is looking forward to seeing nana and pop pop.

sand toys

I was runnin'

ohhh wet!


The Cole Wash

hi dada

What is Cole doing?

By a finger.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

chocolate prizes!

After a whole week and a half of regression Cole had a whole day dry in big boy underwear. He is so excited to wear underwear just like Daddy's. He Had a dry nap ( 2 hours), Dry Car ride into town (about a 25 minute trip), and he even told us when he had to go. Yes we kept asking him if he had to go Potty and he would reply "I can't" in a slight british accent. I do know where he gets it. Too much Kipper the Dog on Sprout.
Cole also peed standing up today for the first time. Woo Wee! Chad was totally in charge of that one. I offered Cherrios for target pratice. Apparently his target was A okay today.
We spent the day cleaning the house. SO much Laundry for five people. We also did our bi weekly grocery shopping. The day was split with a trip to the Museum of the Rockies. Cole asks to go all the time. Cole Celebrated a dry day with a piece of dark chocolate and after he ate that he voluntarly brushed his teeth. Yeah for good hygine!!!
Ella also had a fantastic day. She woke us up not with crys of hunger but of giggles and cooing as she played in her crib till we got her out at 8 A.M. Unthinkable for our early riser. Usually she is up at 6 A.M. on the nose. She enjoyed a pleasant day of crawling, napping, snacking and hanging out with Mommy and Daddy as they did their chores. She was even smiling at 8:00 P.M. when we where on our way home from shopping at Costco. We are so happy when we are blessed with days like these. They are not few but when the bad days come it is nice to hold onto the good behavior you know is there.