Monday, September 26, 2005

Testing Limits

Well we are super glad to be home and so is Cole. I think. He loves to pay attention to his baby sister and checks up on her while she is in her bassinet. He has been testing us to the limit these past days but does understand that mom has to feed the baby and that she love him very much. He even pointed out his family structure in a book pointing to the larger Dr suess character saying Daddy, then the tiny one saying Baby, and the middle size exclaiming Big Brother. He is super proud of his baby sister. I am doing pretty well. I sorta cleaned the kitchen today while Ella and Cole where both down. Only took us an hour,15 books and several stern words to get an overly tired Cole down. Here are pictures of Cole wearing the baby sling because he saw Daddy do it. My boys checking out the newest girl in our family and Ella in her take home outfit.


Baby Sling

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Welcome home Ella!

Baby Ella and I arrived home from the hospital at Three o'clock on Friday afternoon. I again amazed all my Doctors, surgeons, residents, interns, nurses at my ability to witness Ella's first Bath by walking to the nursery on my own two feet about 5 hours after being "glued" back together and refusing narcotics that each support staff seemed to be pushing. I am not trying to be stoic it just doesn't hurt that much. The cramping caused by breastfeeding to shrink my expanded uterus hurts more and I do take some Ibuprofin for that ever once in a while. I had an awesome team for the surgery. The anesthesiologist was totally awesome. With cleaning, numbing and spinal inserted, he was done in under 4 mins. The surgery was unevenful but Ella seemed to want to stay in and was arching her back and was thwarting the surgeons every move to remove her from my tummy.
Cole and Grandma arrived in time for Ella's first Bath and watched from the viewing area. Cole with his exclamations of Baby, Baby, Baby! And pressing his nose against the glass so he could get a closer look.
Cole has so far has not asked us to take he back to the hospital but I am waiting for that ah ha moment when he realizes she is here to stay.
All is well and I am taking things slow but that is to be expected. Cole has had a super great time with Nana and Grandpa this week and I know he is going to miss them when they go back to their normal lives. I will to and am deeply in debt to them for all the time they have given to us chasing after a rambunctious 2 year old.
All I hope is that I am able to balance both and not hurt myself in the process.

Ella warming up

Baby, Baby, Baby!

Giving the Baby a kiss!

Hello world

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Ella Eloisa

Today Ella Eloisa arrived at 9:07 local time. She weighed 8 Lbs. 7 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. Mom and Baby are doing great. We will update again when mommy and Ella get home Saturday or so. Cole is having a blast with grandma. Poor little guy, doesn't yet know what hit him.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

September 14th Ultrasound

This is our recent ultrasound and last ultrasound picture of our little girl. She is 37 weeks along here and is at an estimated 8 pounds and 14 oz. She is looking like she will be a big girl. Thank God I am having a C- Section. She still had one week in my tummy at the time of the Ultrasound. We only have 2 days till her scheduled arrival. Daddy Chad will upload a picture of her as soon as he can. Wish us luck.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Your Linguistic Profile:

55% General American English

25% Yankee

20% Upper Midwestern

0% Dixie

0% Midwestern

Friday, September 09, 2005

My Boys!

Well I only have 11 days left till my C section for our little Girl. I had 2 strong braxton hicks contractions last night and one this morning but nothing more than that. I did not have contractions with Cole so I was a little in awe how much those smarted. I turned to Chad and said "Now those are quite painful now aren't they." I got up walked around and everything went back to normal. I have included pictures of my boys together. They both were jumping on the bed. I got a real good one of Cole in mid jump. He had a wonderful nap after this jumping session! Chad has even seen him jump and bounce on his butt and back onto his feet again to continue jumping. Is he destined for the Circus?

Super High!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Labor Day

It is Labor Day! We spent the day as a family shopping. This is a picture of Cole's Spoils of the day. It is a Truck that makes wonderful noises. The noises do not bother Chad and I so much, I only worry about the people around. He was so excited with his new truck he kept showing us going up to Abulita Williams saying "see my new Truck" in his wonderful toddler diction. Showing Daddy, me, Sven and Sasha (the last two are Dogs) over and over again. Chad and I never have days off together so this was really special that we were able to do errands together. We also spent a really great lunch out with Cole at Subway. He sat in a chair like a big boy and sorta ate his sandwich. Bit by bit piece by piece. That boy is just like his Grandpa Leonard and loves his olives. I have included pictures of Cole from the rest of the day pretty much acting goofy. He was in such a good mood he was a pleasure to be around. There are only 16 days till our little girl will make her appearance and good days like these make me feel more comfortable about the two little ones at once.

Aren't I Cute

I am trying to tell you about My New TRUCK!

I am a huge nerd, I take after my daddy!