Saturday, September 24, 2005

Welcome home Ella!

Baby Ella and I arrived home from the hospital at Three o'clock on Friday afternoon. I again amazed all my Doctors, surgeons, residents, interns, nurses at my ability to witness Ella's first Bath by walking to the nursery on my own two feet about 5 hours after being "glued" back together and refusing narcotics that each support staff seemed to be pushing. I am not trying to be stoic it just doesn't hurt that much. The cramping caused by breastfeeding to shrink my expanded uterus hurts more and I do take some Ibuprofin for that ever once in a while. I had an awesome team for the surgery. The anesthesiologist was totally awesome. With cleaning, numbing and spinal inserted, he was done in under 4 mins. The surgery was unevenful but Ella seemed to want to stay in and was arching her back and was thwarting the surgeons every move to remove her from my tummy.
Cole and Grandma arrived in time for Ella's first Bath and watched from the viewing area. Cole with his exclamations of Baby, Baby, Baby! And pressing his nose against the glass so he could get a closer look.
Cole has so far has not asked us to take he back to the hospital but I am waiting for that ah ha moment when he realizes she is here to stay.
All is well and I am taking things slow but that is to be expected. Cole has had a super great time with Nana and Grandpa this week and I know he is going to miss them when they go back to their normal lives. I will to and am deeply in debt to them for all the time they have given to us chasing after a rambunctious 2 year old.
All I hope is that I am able to balance both and not hurt myself in the process.

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