Monday, September 05, 2005

Labor Day

It is Labor Day! We spent the day as a family shopping. This is a picture of Cole's Spoils of the day. It is a Truck that makes wonderful noises. The noises do not bother Chad and I so much, I only worry about the people around. He was so excited with his new truck he kept showing us going up to Abulita Williams saying "see my new Truck" in his wonderful toddler diction. Showing Daddy, me, Sven and Sasha (the last two are Dogs) over and over again. Chad and I never have days off together so this was really special that we were able to do errands together. We also spent a really great lunch out with Cole at Subway. He sat in a chair like a big boy and sorta ate his sandwich. Bit by bit piece by piece. That boy is just like his Grandpa Leonard and loves his olives. I have included pictures of Cole from the rest of the day pretty much acting goofy. He was in such a good mood he was a pleasure to be around. There are only 16 days till our little girl will make her appearance and good days like these make me feel more comfortable about the two little ones at once.

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