Friday, September 09, 2005

My Boys!

Well I only have 11 days left till my C section for our little Girl. I had 2 strong braxton hicks contractions last night and one this morning but nothing more than that. I did not have contractions with Cole so I was a little in awe how much those smarted. I turned to Chad and said "Now those are quite painful now aren't they." I got up walked around and everything went back to normal. I have included pictures of my boys together. They both were jumping on the bed. I got a real good one of Cole in mid jump. He had a wonderful nap after this jumping session! Chad has even seen him jump and bounce on his butt and back onto his feet again to continue jumping. Is he destined for the Circus?


Elizabeth said...

Hey Debbie, I figured out how to keep those spammers out!!!! Just go to your settings tab, hit comments, and then click yes on word verification and those automated things can't advertise on your site!

Elizabeth said...

I hope this works, so far I haven't had any spam since I started using it. Hey, your guys are kinda cute. Can't wait to see the new little one. I've been thinking about you lots and lots...