Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Balloons and Grumpy Faces

Balloons are good when they have air and float. Cole gets extemely upset when his Balloons lose their air. Well we had a melt down today when he couldn't make his balloons fly. We brought home two from his friend's, Lizzie, 3rd birthday party. When the Balloons started deflating Cole tried to give them strength by feeding them some of his dinner, Mac n Cheese and carrots. Unfortunately they did not make it. We were lucky that our family out night the restaurant had Balloons. It made him oh so happy!
I have included pictures of our little girl who seems oh so serious. Most babies have learned how to smile and love to show off this new feat. But Little Ella seems so serious and pensive, almost judgmental. She seems to look at you as if saying "why you? Why did I get you people?" I hope it is a phase that she grows out off because come her teen years she will be thinking the same thoughts all over again. Dios Mios!

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