Sunday, November 06, 2005

Hurray! This is My Smile!

Hurray!!! Ella slept in her crib last night for 7 hours!!!! This is monumental for us because we have to hold this little one pretty much 24 hours a day. Does not like to be set down or left out of her eye site which right now is only a few inches. Been a little trying holding her and chasing young master Cole. Cole is now getting into imagination play with out the aid of a mommy or daddy. This morning I heard him talking to his toys and playing in his room before waking us for at least 20 mins. That is a Cole record. Part of me thinks "oh no what is he into" All I have to do is remember the Magic Marker incident where he created the first and world renowned Tattoo Pooh. We are all off to a Movie, a fabulous birthday gift to my mother from her daughter Angie. We plan on seeing Chicken Little. Hopefully it shall enlighten and entertain Cole and the rest.

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