Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! As you can see Cole was a Pirate and our little Ella Bug was a Bee. Cole had a blast Trick or Treating and by the end of tonight was able to say "or Treat" and Thank you as he grabbed two handfuls of candy. We were able to go trick or treating with Miranda and her Grandpa John. Cole turns in to a perfect little boy around Grandpa John too bad he lives in Canada. Well it is time to "sort"threw Captain Cole's Booty. Yum Yum!


Elizabeth said...

Is it just this picture, or is Ella's hair kind of red? I'm jealous that she has so much. She makes her cousin look bald.

The Leonard's said...

pretty much her hair is dark brownish black. I had CRAZY heartburn so she better have lots of hair. old wives tale. She also has a furry back and will be cursed like me to have to wax her eyebrows every two weeks.