Thursday, October 06, 2005

Two weeks and One Day

Ella is now Two weeks and one day old. She had gained her birth weight plus now tallying in at 8 pounds and 12 ounces. She has also grown 3/4 of an inch. She is now 21 1/4 inches long. She has been a joy. Cole has been rather good. He is a great helper he loves to take Ella's dirty diapers to the trash and help push her stroller when we are on an outing. I have fast learned that in order to make the day go by fast and rather tantrum free we have to "do" stuff.. In Spokane it is fun to attend the new kids science center Mobius. Cole enjoys this place and always hates to leave. Here he can explore sounds, shapes, and different spaces while learning. His favorite part of Mobius is the Construction Exhibit. They have a mini back hoe he can operated and dress up clothes he can wear in order to play the part. He also enjoys building with blocks. We also hang out with friends. Here is a picture of Cole at a play group surrounded by all the ladies. He knows how to work his Mojo.


Elizabeth said...

She's growing already! I can't wait to meet her, I promise we're trying to find a time to get out there...

Anonymous said...

She's so beautiful! Isn't Mobius wonderful? Tori loves it there!