Thursday, October 27, 2005

5 weeks old 11 pounds 6 oz 22.5 inches long oh my!

Ella is now 5 weeks old. Time is going by so fast. We can hardly believe that it has been this long. When she has quality tummy time she likes to hold her head up and has done a few mini - Push ups. Go Go little She Ra. She has learned how to latch on properly and we are like old pros at nursing. She does insist on sleeping with us and loves the skin to skin contact. Big brother Cole loves to spend quite time with Ella and Mommywhile Ella nurses. Cole will sit on the bed resting his head on mommy's shoulder or lap while watching a train video or something to do with trucks. We are over the Robots addiction (thank goodness) and it is hard to say no when he wants to watch "train" again. He is by no means a couch potato, while the video is playing he is playing or "exploring" the space he is in. We hope to have more pictures soon of our little man. He is in dire need of a hair cut.

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