Saturday, October 15, 2005

Ella and Cole

I was able to get some pictures taken of the two little ones today. In the second picture Cole exclaims how Funny Ella looks. He calls her Baby YaYa. He looks out for her and is always willing to help. Brings dirty diapers to the trash. We are having a quite day at home today. We did plan on going to the pumpkin patch but Daddy has to work and I don;t think I am up to chasing Cole while holding a newborn. I am a big baby. Postpartum has not left yet so I am trying to take the stress out of my day.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

sam typed this y vii kkiid9terrrewwwtkiiiidyihrtftyp;yrtrw4uuruuyr5rtu-0pioiiiiiiiihrffffg,f b