Thursday, October 20, 2005

4 weeks old

Ella is now 4 weeks old. She has more alert time but still all she does is eat, sleep and poop. Cole has been a little more clingy and at time shows that he wants to be treated like a baby too. We tell him all the cool things he can do that Ella can not because she is a baby. He can eat cookies, jump, run, play with his cars and trains and listen to stories that he himself picks out. It has gone surprisingly smooth balancing both kids. Cole's vocabulary has grown. I am amazed at which words he knows and how well I can translate toddlerese. There are still times when I just look at him with utter confusion at what he is telling me. He does not seem to mind though which for now is a blessing.


Anonymous said...

She's beautiful! I'm glad that Cole is adjusting well to her. I guess he's realized she isn't going anywhere. =)

Anonymous said...

Great looking kid, must take after Mom.

We will pass your link onto Jenniferb, who is now in SEA, working and attending SSCC in landscape architecure.

[Not so anonymous...just a little bit older.]

Roger & Janet