Monday, September 26, 2005

Testing Limits

Well we are super glad to be home and so is Cole. I think. He loves to pay attention to his baby sister and checks up on her while she is in her bassinet. He has been testing us to the limit these past days but does understand that mom has to feed the baby and that she love him very much. He even pointed out his family structure in a book pointing to the larger Dr suess character saying Daddy, then the tiny one saying Baby, and the middle size exclaiming Big Brother. He is super proud of his baby sister. I am doing pretty well. I sorta cleaned the kitchen today while Ella and Cole where both down. Only took us an hour,15 books and several stern words to get an overly tired Cole down. Here are pictures of Cole wearing the baby sling because he saw Daddy do it. My boys checking out the newest girl in our family and Ella in her take home outfit.

1 comment:

Beth Danae said...

aww! How cute and fun. Hello from a fellow washintonian blogger.