Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Well little Cole has been able to experiment with new things. We now have a little one who is interested in washing dishes. Actually he is more interested in turning the water off and on in the kitchen sink, filling cups and tea pots, and making a lovely mess. He also likes to empty whole drawers of office supplies out of our desk. Staples have earned the name "ouch". They picked his fingers when he was sorting them after dumping two whole boxes out on the floor. Mommy was none to happy but he let me pick up these offending items with out a fight.This past Monday Cole decide that 4:30 A.M. was the right time to awake for the day. Since Mommy closed at work daddy got to sleep in. We read books and had a early breakfast. Daddy went to work and Cole went down for a nap at 9 A.M. Unfortunatly it lasted only 45 mins. So while Mommy got ready for work and Cole's Sitter Bag together Cole had a grand ole time with his blocks.When Daddy brought Cole home from the sitters Cole only had an additional 1 hour nap. Rolinda kept him awake so he would sleep though the transfer of Car and bed. There was no problem there. He fell asleep in the car after 2 blocks and stayed sleeping like the dead through diaper change, pajamas and continued to sleep though the super bright flash on our camera. Daddy was so amused that Cole slept in our bed till Mommy came home at 10 P.M. We then carried him to his bed and he did not even budge. Did not even turn over to his tummy, Nothing. Like I first said this was entirely novel to us. Tuesday and Wednesday mornings he slept to 9 A.M. , Thank Goodness!!!

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