Wednesday, June 01, 2005

All done!

This is the typical Cole photo we have been taking lately. He is seated in his high chair so he can not move in order to be able to get a good shot. He enjoyed his pasta and marinara sauce as you can see.
Cole now knows who the Doctor is and is slightly afraid of being in the Doctor's exam room. We went for my 23rd week prenatal and Cole about went stir crazy being shut in the room. We tried to explain that all was well that the doctor was checking on mom and his soon to be baby sister and all he was interested was working on getting the door open. By the way who ever invented long door handles must have been childless because Cole can open those doors with ease.
Mommy and Baby girl are doing great. I got the okay to use Zantac for my CRAZY heartburn and all I have to do is remember to take it. We heard Her heartbeat on the Doppler which is a new experience for us because Cole did not cooperate at all. (He gave us quite the fright. We had to schedule Ultrasounds for that day to make sure He was alright in there. )
And talk about fetal movement. She must be rehearsing the Tango with flailing arms and kicking legs. We do have her Anatamony Ultrasound scheduled for this Friday so we will update with pictures then.

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