Thursday, June 16, 2005

A Day in the Sun

Yesterday Cole and Mommy spent the day with Grandma, Grandpa, and Cousin Meryl who was visiting from Santa Fe . Grandpa lead the hike and Cole almost made the whole mile journey, about 75 percent of it was uphill. He loved looking at the gravel and rocks on the path. He even sampled some of the rocks on the path. Oh how yummy! That is why his face is so dirty. I got some fun pictures and as you can tell I was lagging behind. I have a really good zoom on my camera. Cole was so tired that on the ride home he passed out and was placed on Grandma's couch and took a nap. I was a little worried that he would wake and be scared because he did not know where he was but no, not Cole he just came and found us on the back porch. We then began to relax in the Hot Tub and Cole enjoyed playing with a treasure chest of floaty things. We completed the day with a barbecue and changed Cole into his sleeper and during the 1 1/2 hour drive home Cole fell fast asleep. He slept till 8:30 this morning. We look forward to another fun day with Grandma and Grandpa.

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