Friday, June 03, 2005

3-d Ultrasound

Today's ultrasound went fantastic. Our little girl cooperated with the Technician so well that she used the 3-D machine on her. This is a shot from the 3-D machine. The picture does not do justice to what you can see on the Screen. We did obtain Video from this visit so Daddy Chad and Big Brother Cole could see. Cole is just not liking being shut in a room that he can not explore freely. ie. Opening drawers, playing with medical instruments and all that jazz.
Her heart looks good, she has both kidneys and is growing right on schedule. Here's hoping all goes well from now on. The U/S Tech did notice that I have or rather baby Girl has a 2 Vessel umbilical cord. This could pose a problem to normal Childbirth. So looks like another C-section is definitely in my future. Well I guess it will be nice to skip contractions and have a planned birthdate. Unfortunately the healing part is no fun! Well I will have Chad for a week like last time but I know this time will be more difficult due to my little rose smelling toddler. I have invested in a baby sling and have plans to redecorate our bedroom to a wonderful playroom for Cole while I try to heal. I have included pictures of our arch that Chad and I planted Antique Roses when we bought this house almost 4 years ago. This is the first year they have bloomed so well. This is the arch Chad and I were married under 4 years as well this July. Cole loves to smell the roses. We also made a trip to the park tonight after dinner so Cole could use some of his pent up energy. We got a typical shot of his backside. We will have more shots of him soon, the weather is perking up and the swimming pool is all put together. Meanwhile Cole bangs on the back door shouting "OUTSIDE! OUTSIDE!"

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