Thursday, May 18, 2006

Cole, Show me your muscles!

We are moving to Bozeman,Montana!
I know a shocker to most but Debbie has gotten a promotion to run her own store. No mere feat at 31 years old. Chad will continue to pratice massage therapy and to make the Bozeman public beautiful. We will send out a email updating all of our stats.
It has been a really long time since I have Blogged, mostly because this change has to no surprise put our life in a whirl wind. And my camera has been in and out of the "shop" It has gotten closer to visiting family than we have, twice. Once it had returned it has mysteriously disappeared. We have two theories. One, a very selective cat burglar stole the camera and only the camera. Or, Two, Cole played it into a hiding space that Chad swears happened in less than 5 mins of alone time. Who knows are house is so full of boxes we can barley move. Unfortunately the only time we have to pack is the middle of the night and that time has come. Nest time we post most likely will be in another state.
These picture are from Cole and Ella's going away/ Cole's 3rd birthday party.
Party was planned and paid for in advance, a first for us... It was nice for Cole to have one last blow out! Everyone had a BLAST!

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