Sunday, January 01, 2006


We hope everyone had a great holiday! We certainly had a busy one. Cole enjoyed opening presents and playing with his train he received from Mommy and Daddy. Ella enjoys her play mat that she received from her Auntie Liz and Uncle Eric. Thanks! Nana and Pop Pop Leonard spent Christmas weekend with us and the kiddies. We all had a blast and Nana Joyce admitted to being exhausted after spending four days chasing after our little Man Cole. Ella is now sleeping and the Colic has ended. It was a amazing. Right on her 3rd month birthday it was like a revelation as if she said I am sorry mommy and daddy and began sleeping through the night. Not even waking to eat. We now average 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Cole has had a few rough nights and wakes up at 3 or 4 in the morning. We have decide it is because of pent up energy. The weather has been cruddy rain and we have not been able to let him play outside and Ella has a cough and running nose so we haven't left the house. It also might be because it is too dark in his room so we invested in a night light. One sleeps and the other doesn't. So is life.

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