Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hair's to you

Well we finally got Cole a haircut a couple weeks ago. I was at a local pizza place with him and a man asked if my "little girl" could ride on the carousal with his children. I was shocked!. "girl" so I busted butt, not actually it took me a week, to a local kiddie chop shop where the lady did not listen to what I wanted. His hair was cut way to short and she thinned it out quite a bit. It's only hair so what do I expect. He did sit still, something he does not do for Daddy. I will try a new place next time even though I have to drive 1/2 an hour to get there. Here is some advise, never trust a hair place that has a mullet on their business card!
Ella can now be lulled to sleep on our secret weapon but she spends most the night in her infant carrier, which she is almost grown out of. She has a doctors appointment this week and we are excited to see how much she has grown. She also has a couple of immunization shots and will not like us any, but hey tough love baby. Ella is teething big time. Our current Saturday caregiver has told us how she sticks both hands in her mouth almost gagging herself. We invested in teething toys today. She is not too fussy, she is easily soothed as long as you hold her and move around. Ella's naps only last 45 minutes and usually not at the same time as Cole's so there is not peace for us dear parents. We certainly miss "me" time and "us" time on Tuesdays.
Cole, Ella and I will be attending a Birthday party on Thursday and Cole is really excited. We spent 1/2 an hour picking out the perfect gift for his friend. He is super excited about the party. When the invitation came in the mail and I read it to him he ran around the house holding the invitation shouting "PARTY! PARTY! PARTY!" I think he is excited.

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