Friday, August 12, 2005

Yummy Pizza!

Cole and Daddy made a pizza together for dinner tonight. Cole thought that every ingredient should be tasted. He thought we needed extra cheese on the Pizza and dumped the rest of the bag on the Pizza. He is also real careful to place the pepperoni in it's exact position making sure to put some in his mouth.
For the last three nights Chad and I have been battling Cole to stay in his bed. He has officially moved to his toddler bed. He gets up about 15 to 20 times a night and is so cranky the next day you just want to abandon him at the mall. Not really but being 34 weeks along and sleep deprived is not helping my mood. He has refused to nap in his bed also. Last night we received some much deserved sleep. Cole stayed in his bed only to get up once and took my stern warning seriously and stayed in bed till morning. His new awake time averages 6:30 AM. Oh so different from the sweet, sweet 8:30AM we had when he actually enjoyed his sleep.
Cole is now 35 1/4 inches tall and weighs 31 pounds. I can't believe how tall he is. He wears a size 8 shoe and keeps us on the look out for new ones to fast for my taste.
Our little girl keeps moving and rolling around in her Swimming pool making my tummy look like special effects from the latest Alien Film. With the much needed sleep last night and the weather finally cooling off I am feeling a lot better. Now all I have to do is keep cleaning and try not give in to that comfy couch that seems to be calling my name.
Oh I give up! Here I come Couch!


Jennifer said...

These are adorable pictures! It looks like a night full of cooking fun!

The Leonard's said...

Thanks Jennifer! Did you attend WSU? And reside in Coman Hall? Your name sounds real familiar? The Pizza was a great success , Sunday Cole and I are making Biscuits for Grandma and Grandpa.