Monday, June 05, 2006

No Clouds and Tons of Rain

Cole and Daddy today got to play at the Children's museum today. Cole calls it Mobius that is the Spokane, WA version. Ella was very patient with them as Cole ran about and explored the area. Mommy had to work today. i have included Cole's recent Jam session , He is working hard at annoying the neighbors. Ella is enjoying her food. She really like the Mighty Kids cereal by kashi. It is shaped in the form of little people. So we joke that she is eating her people. Chad will be working soon as a massage therpist and Cole will certainly miss Daddy time. I will miss Daddy time. We hope to explore tommorow take in a hike if the weather permits. One thing about Montana ... Don't like the weather... wait five minutes. Lots of thunder storms and tons of rain to be followed by high temps and cloudless skies. Weird.

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