Thursday, April 13, 2006

Happy Easter!

Long time no blog. Our camera has been out of commission and Chad and I are finding it hard to make our busy schedule work and finding some "Me" time. The camera was sent to Texas to have a "fryed" chip and faulty button fixed. It is like a different camera. Cole had become quite attached to the camera taking and snapping picture when ever Mommy or Daddy said it is okay. So when the camera resurfaced we had to endure tantrums because he wanted to use it but Mommy and Daddy wanted to use it also going several weeks without ways to chart Ella's growth. She is now sitting up unsupported and love to use her body to roll or stretch to reach a toy that is out of reach. She has also received her first tooth. Teething has been a struggle for her. Ella loves to chew on anything and everything.
Cole has grown leaps and bounds with his attitude and maturity. Love to see what mood he is going to be in, if you do not like that one wait five minutes.
Enjoy the picture, we will have more when we return from our trip.

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