Saturday, February 04, 2006

Ella had her 4 month check up and is following her growth curve just fine. She now tips the scales at a whopping 17 pounds 11 ounces and is a 25 1/2 inches long. She is over the 90 percentiles for both. Breastfed babies certainly do grow!!!
Cole's new love is his Matchbox airplane. He carries it where ever he goes and it takes baths with him. He misplaced his airplane right before bed time and asked daddy "Where go plane?" Daddy and Cole spent time looking for it and cold not find it. Cole went to bed relucently without airplane and slept with a car instead. When I arrived home from work at 10 pm, Chad and I found the plane in the couch. I brought it up to him and he opened his eyes a little and placed his hand over airplane.
I have included pictures of our sleeping beauties, notice Ella loves her car seat. Arrggg. Working on that but at least she is sleeping and at least the car seat is in the crib.

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