Sunday, December 04, 2005


Snow! We have snow and all I hear is Cole looking out the window shouting Snoooow Snoooow!!! He is super Excited and could not wait to go outside. When we did all bundle up to head out to pick up a prescription for Ella, baby Zantac, Cole marched over to our friendly neighbors pointed at the snow they where shoveling/blowing and said �look Snow� mumbled in his quick toddlerese then to continue to say �snow cold� Alice and Rich were quite amused . Cole was rather pleased with himself and climbed a snow bank. When were done chatting I told Cole �time to go. lets get in the van� and lo and behold he actually listened. He turned to Alice and Rich and said ByeBye and marched to the van.
Ella still prefers to scream at us from 9 pm to 3 am. Daddy usually gets this shift. He has so much more patience than me and handles her quite well. She does enjoy being laid down to explore her surroundings but still not for all that long. I think the Zantac is helping.
Cole and Daddy went out in the snow today and had fun! Cole refused to wear his mittens so they made short 15 minute trips as Cole hands got cold and he would stand and shake them trying to warm them up. What really warmed up Cole was a nice cup of hot chocolate in his Santa mug. Yummy!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Now I'm so jealous that I have to go make myself a cup of hot chocolate and try to ignore the thermometer that says it's nearly 70 degrees outside...