Saturday, May 21, 2005

Summer and Sand

Hello to all! Well not much really new is going on here in Spokane. The Lilac parade was tonight. Since Chad and I both worked Cole was unable to attend. He did get to spend quality time with his best girl, Rachel. His face just lights up when he sees her. We are showing some pictures of Cole's recent trip to Gymborree. He was having a blast with his friends and it is great to see him interact with other kids. He is not afraid of entering their personal space. That same day at our weekly visit to one of the many Spokane parks a little girl, about 6 or 7, came up to Chad and I and said "Your little boy feels like sunshine, He feels like the beach, you know sun and sand." I think we finally understood. I think it was his Hawaiian shirt he was wearing. I still love to think that our little boy feels like summer all warm and relaxing.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

In this far corner of Texas, we would like to see more pictures of our NW grandson.