Tuesday, April 12, 2005

But I had 3 months!!!

Cole is now acting like a traditional 2 year old. But we had 3 months to go!!! He will throw a might good fit if you look at him funny. I miss my dear sweet child, where did he go? Will he ever come back? Well as you all notice Cole needs another haircut which our good friend Heather will do with the utmost skill and professionalism. I foresee head shaking, Head bonking, wiggling to get free and all that Jazz. If we are around other people he generally is in good behavior, ie performing tricks for the Grandparents. He feeds each dog an individual treat by name and then of course sampled some himself. Yummy, Beefy! Cole was sleeping in but this morning he woke up at 7 am, I know that isn't so bad but he usually sleeps to a peaceful 8:30, today will be an interesting playdate.

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