Ella is now 5 months old. We have been real busy with work and keeping our household together. All four of us got the cold that has been going around. Only Mommy had the pleasure of a fever. Everyone else has just been coughing and sneezing. Cole did not feel well so he did not act well and woke up in the middle of the night in order to sleep with mommy and daddy. We were quite a sight all three of us in a full size bed coughing our lungs out. We have experienced RSV and Croup with Cole before so we knew what to look for. Neither Cole nor Ella were at that extreme and we are extremely grateful for that.
Cole has grown by leaps and bounds, he is 3 foot 2 inches, and we are quite pleased when he is well behaved and listens. He follows directions and joins in the group at his gymboree class. He has been caring towards Baby Ella and shows empathy when you stub your toe or accidentally trip over a stray toy. Pretty amazing this growing up stuff.
Ella is now much more fun to be around. She coos, smiles, laughs and my favorite blows bubbles and raspberries. Her face lights up when daddy or mommy come into view. She can now roll over from her tummy to her back also. It has been reported that she has creeped along like a snake. Ella sleeps on her crib for her naps and has fallen asleep for night time in her crib a few nights in a row so far. We will get there. Can not wait till her room is finished.